Data wygenerowania zapytania ofertowego: 2021-04-19


Chemików 7

09-411 Płock

NIP: 7740001454

BDO: 000007103


Tytuł zapytania

Treść zapytania:

Dear Sirs,
Grupa LOTOS S.A. is pleased to invite you to take part in a tender procedure concerning methylodietanolamine for its 9850 unit.

Please find below all the information needed.

1. Subject matter of the invitation:
The purchase of MDEA according to the inquiry below:
Product: MDEA (methylodietanolamine) + material analysis / properties
Purity: min 99%
Quantity: ca 60t
Packaging: in bulk, 3 trucks a ca 20 t

Product status: EU
Please attach updated MSDS to the offer.

The Supplier will be obliged to conduct laboratory tests of 2 samples from the 9850 installation:
1. Sample of the Lean amine.
2. Sample of the Rich amine
The samples will be shipped in packages that meet ADR requirements. Grupa LOTOS S.A. will bear shipping cost.

Please find below the needed list of analysis:
-Sample appearance
-Determination of free and bonded amine
-Water content
-Acid gas loading
-Foam test
-Activator content
-Metal scan
-Identification and quantification of amine degradation products
-Identification and quantification of heat stable amine salts
-Total suspended solids

2. Date of delivery of the subject matter:
Preferred delivery date:
- first delivery 10.05.2021,
- second delivery 11.05.2021,
- third delivery 10.06.2021
The dates will be confirmed by Grupa LOTOS S.A. after selection of an offer.
Please include in your offer the delivery time in working days from the receipt of the signed order.

3. Terms of delivery: DAP Grupa LOTOS S.A. Gdańsk, ul. Elbląska 135, unit 9850, according to Incoterms 2020

4. Terms of payment: 30 days after issuing the invoice

5. Tender content and form:

Questions should be asked only via the Logintrade Purchasing Platform within terms indicated in the inquiry. Questions asked after the deadline will not be answered.
Answers will be given to all participants to the procedure after the expiry of the deadline for asking questions in a form of an update to the invitation to tender.

Tenderers may submit a tender only via the Logintrade Purchasing Platform.
A complete tender should consist of two parts – a substantive, technical part and a commercial one.
The tender should be drawn up in Polish or English.

The substantive and technical part should include:
· Information required in the invitation excluding the price,
· MSDS’s of products
· CN codes
A scan of:
· Power of proxy to submit the offer,
· In case of foreign entities – a certificate of residency.
In order for a commercial tender to be reviewed it must comply with technical requirements.

The commercial part should include:
The price for the subject matter.
All prices indicated in the tender should be net prices (excluding VAT).
Currency: EUR

6. A tenderer can modify or withdraw its tender with no legal consequences, under the condition that it submits its written request for that before the final deadline for tender submission. After withdrawing its tender, the Tenderer may submit a new tender, under the condition that it is submitted before the final deadline for tender submission. Grupa LOTOS S.A. reserves the right to modify the terms of the invitation before the final deadline for tender submission.

7. Grupa LOTOS S.A. reserves the right to cancel the contractor selection process, close the process without choosing a contractor and to negotiate with the chosen tenderer or tenderers at the moment of signing the contract/order issuance. Selection of a tenderer/tenderers for further negotiations does not constitute acceptance of the tender nor award of the contract within the meaning of the Civil Code.

8. Grupa LOTOS S.A. reserves the right to accept/reject tenders partially or completely as well as to change the number of items referred to in the specification.

If case of any questions/doubts, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,
Anna Głuchowska


Lp. Nazwa produktu Ilość Jednostka Załącznik/Link Uwagi
1. MDEA 60 tona Czytaj

Pytania do postępowania w ramach zapytania ofertowego "GL/4014/SRM233264/AG - MDEA (methylodietanolamine), purity min. 99%, 60 tons"

Lp. Tytuł pytania Data wysłania pytania Status
Brak wyników do wyświetlenia


Waluta: EUR

Data i godzina rozpoczęcia przyjmowania ofert:

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Data i godzina zakończenia przyjmowania ofert:

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Data i godzina zakończenia zadawania pytań:

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1. Nasza firma wykorzystuje Platformę zakupową Logintrade jako narzędzie do kontaktów z dostawcami.

2. Oferty handlowe przyjmowane są tylko przez platformę zakupową.

3. Rejestracja w bazie dostawców naszej firmy, przeglądanie zapytań ofertowych oraz składanie ofert handlowych jest bezpłatne.

4. Jeśli nie posiadasz konta na platformie zakupowej Logintrade zarejestruj się w bazie dostawców w celu otrzymania loginu i hasła do swojego konta. Jedno konto dostawcy umożliwia otrzymywanie zapytań ofertowych od wielu kupców.

5. Aby przeglądać zapytania ofertowe od firmy, która je złożyła, musisz być zarejestrowany w jej bazie dostawców.

6. Regulamin Platformy zakupowej jest dostępny w panelu rejestracyjnym.

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