Data wygenerowania zapytania ofertowego: 2020-12-15

Tokai COBEX Polska Sp. z o.o.

Piastowska 29

47-400 Racibórz

NIP: 6390003994

ZAPYTANIE OFERTOWE NR Z496/289544/aktualizacja2

Uwaga! Zapytanie zostało zaktualizowane w dniu 2020-12-15 r. o godzinie 14:06:47. Jeśli złożyli Państwo wcześniej ofertę, należy przesłać ją jeszcze raz.

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Tytuł zapytania

Treść zmian (aktualizacja):

Additional information to scope 15.12.2020:
Attached picture shows preferred by us location of DeSOx and RTO installation.
RTO could be placed were is using RCO installation.
RCO will be disassembly for time necessary to build RTO.

Additional information to scope:
All documentation and screens of a new equipment RTO and DeSOx, for example Scada and HMI screen have to be translated in to the Polish language.

Treść zapytania:

)We're inviting to submit an offer for the installation of the Graphitization Fumes Treatment Installation

Technical contact person:Marcin Ujwary, +48 18 4425-336, +48 695745036, the service applies to the plant in Nowy Sącz/Poland.

Scope of inquiry:

the full scope of the query is in the file "Graphitization Fumes Treatment Installation - Inquire ver2". An overview is given below:

- Actual Graphitization Fumes Treatment Installation:

Currently, for fumes treatment we use two-stage system consisting Regenerative Catalytic Oxidizer (RCO) installation and wet (twoalcalic) DeSOxunit.

Because of the age installation has greater failure rate hence more expensive in maintenance and service.

Total fumes consist of gases from three sources:

1.Gases from the graphitization run (charge), which are directed to the RCO and then to the DeSOx and to the stack.

2.Gases from the graphitization cooling process that are directed straight to the DeSOx and to the stack.

3.Gases from the graphitization packing media suction, which are also directed straight to the DeSOx and to the stack.

- New preferred Graphitization Fumes Treatment Installation- scope

Main objective of the project is to build energy efficient Graphitization Fumes Treatment Installation for graphitization in Nowy Sącz plant according to given emission limits.

New construction need to be done "in vivo" as existing system runs with full capacity utilization and big disturbance in process are not possible.

Treated gases needs to be directed to existing stack.

Preferred solution is to implement DeSOx system with Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTOs).

- Project needs to be defined in phases if possible (DeSOx first, RTO second).

- Have to be specify utilities consumption for complete system.

- Integration with existing control system Scada (ASIX)

- Specify battery limits for exhaust gases– flanges outside Graphitization building.

- Specify battery limits for utility. Have to be located at one point in area of projectrealization.

- Completede sign of all branches (Civil,Technology,IT,Automation,etc.) on Supplier side.

- All ground works, for example foundations, on Supplier side.

- New installation have to be connected parallelly to existing DeSOx installation as a backup.

- Consider to put all necessary tanks under ground as a concrete tanks.

- Consider to have redundant main fans and main pumps.

- Consider to use a container buildings, it means all noisy and not-outside preferable equipment to install in containers. All electric, automation, IT equipment also install in containers -Installation RTO and DeSOx have to allow to direct Graphitization fumes (Charge, Cooling, Packing Media Suction) in all configurations shown on layout (page 8). All equipment necessary to arise complete RTO and DeSOx installationis on Supplier side (e.g. cranes, lifts, scaffolders, etc.)

- Disassembly of needless fumes installation (pipes, pillars, supporting construction, etc.) and transport it to agreed place on Supplier side (metal and other scrap management based on general conditions)

- Presence on Hazop required ( 2 days).

- New RTO expectations:

- RTO with all pipes have to be isolated.

- Fumes pipes have to be traced.

- Compressed air pipes made by stainless steel.

- Hydrated lime expected consumption per year.

- Potential wastes generated during treatment process–type, amount per year.

- Burnout process with sulphate ammonium removal

- Corrosion resistant materials/technology

- Technical availability 100 %

- During design we specify battery limits and there will be measured fumes temperature.

- New DeSOx expectation:

- One or two DeSOx units depending on the required capacity.

- NaOH sorbent method

- Units redundancy at least 75 %

- Compressed air pipes made by stainless steel.

- Potentially exposed on acid/corrosion steel elements have to be made of stainless steel.

- Potential wastes generated during treatment process– type, amount per year.

- NaOH expected consumption per year.

- Because of presence dust/ particles/ condensate in Graphitization fumes, a desludging systemis required.

UPDATE OF SCOPE 30.11.2020: 

All documentation and screens of a new equipment RTO and DeSOx, for example Scada and HMI screen have to be translated in to the Polish language.

UPDATE OF SCOPE 15.12.2020:

Attached picture (Location of RTO&DeSOx) shows preferred by us location of DeSOx and RTO installation.

RTO could be placed were is using RCO installation.

RCO will be disassembly for time necessary to build RTO.


Graphitization Fumes Treatment Installation - Inquire ver2

- General technical specification TCX

- TCX Agreement draft

- The general rules of the perfomence of works by external entities on premises of TCX

Additional information:

1. The Ordering Party reserves the guarantee amount in the amount of 5% of the order value, payable after 3 months from the positive acceptance and turntable tests and after submitting complete documentation to the Ordering Party

2.The Contractor is obliged, within 14 days from signing the contract, to attach an unconditional and irrevocable insurance/bank guarantee of proper performance of the Contract in the amount of 10% of the gross value of the Contract, for the period from the date of issue to the date of completion of the works. In case of justified concern that the works will not be completed and accepted on time or in case of a change in the contract completion date, the Contractor shall ensure an appropriate extension of the guarantee period.

3. After the acceptance of the performed Service, the Contractor shall deliver, no later than by the date of payment of the final invoice, an unconditional and irrevocable insurance/bank guarantee of proper removal of defects and faults in the amount of 5% of the gross value of the Contract for the duration of the warranty and guarantee.

4. The complete offer should include proposition of the terms of payment and guarantee terms.

5. Together with the offer, please send a proposal of the works and financial schedule

6. The Bidder will read and send his comments to the standard Tokai COBEX contract.

7. Each advance payment/prepayment must be secured with an irrevocable and payable on first demand guarantee, the costs of which are borne by the Contractor

8. In Offer have to be clearly stated price for Engineering (complete documentation) and a price for complete Project Realization. If a contractor will be chosen, firstly we'll buy Engineering which is required to gain legal permits, and if permission will be granted we'll buy Project Realization. We can assure that Engineering and Project Realization will be commissioned the same contractor.

Additional formal conditions:

1. The provided materials, are covered by the confidentiality clause. Copying and distribution for purposes not related to the scope of work necessary to submit an offer without the consent of the Purchaser is prohibited. Violations will be raised in accordance with the provisions of the Civil and Commercial Code.

2. Purchaser reserves the right to reject the offer without giving reasons for doing so.

3. The costs of preparing and submitting the offer shall be borne solely by the Bidder.

5. Purchaser reserves the right to modify or supplement the terms of the subject of the inquiry (order).

6. Purchaser reserves the right to freely choose the offer, postpone the date of the tender, negotiate the price and cancel the proceedings.

7. Purchaser doesn't provide social and office facilities.

8. Warranty conditions including the product or service offered must be attached to the offer.

9. The date by which the Tenderer will be bound by the submitted offer is 60 days from the set date for submission of bids.

10. Placing an offer in the tender procedure is tantamount to acceptance of the provisions of the COBEX supply agreement, general technical specification and the general rules of the perfomence of works by external entities on premises of COBEX.


Lp. Nazwa produktu Ilość Jednostka Załącznik/Link Uwagi
1. Engineering (complete documentation) of Graphitization Fumes Treatment Installation 1 Jednostka działania Czytaj
2. Project Realisation of Graphitization Fumes Treatment Installation 1 Jednostka działania Czytaj

Pytania do postępowania w ramach zapytania ofertowego "Nowy Sącz, PL - Graphitization Fumes Treatment Installation"

Lp. Tytuł pytania Data wysłania pytania Status
Brak wyników do wyświetlenia


Waluta: EUR

Data i godzina rozpoczęcia przyjmowania ofert:

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Data i godzina zakończenia przyjmowania ofert:

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Data i godzina zakończenia zadawania pytań:

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