Data wygenerowania zapytania ofertowego: 2020-11-24


Chemików 7

09-411 Płock

NIP: 7740001454

BDO: 000007103

ZAPYTANIE OFERTOWE NR Z83/108410/aktualizacja2

Uwaga! Zapytanie zostało zaktualizowane w dniu 2020-11-24 r. o godzinie 13:48:15. Jeśli złożyli Państwo wcześniej ofertę, należy przesłać ją jeszcze raz.

Tytuł zapytania

Treść zmian (aktualizacja):

Update of 24th of November, 2020:

Ref. RFP No. WU/216/2020/AA

Please find attached the Bidder’s questions and Grupa LOTOS answers

Other terms and conditions of RFP No. WU/216/2020/AA remain unchanged.

Kind regards
Agnieszka Animucka

Update of 19th of November, 2020:

Dear All,

Please note that the following dates in this RFP were changed:

- On-site inspection: Non-obligatory On-site inspection shall be executed up to 20th of November, 2020. In order to arrange on the on-site inspection date, you should contact:
Mrs. Ewa Wasilewska, tel. +48 505 001 867; e-mail:

- Bidders’ questions in English language shall be submitted up to 20th of November, 2020, 2.00 PM,

- Proposal shall be submitted in English language up to 25th of November 2020, 6.00 PM.

Other terms and conditions remain unchanged.

Kind regards
Agnieszka Animucka
Chairman of the Bid Process

Treść zapytania:

Update of 24th of November, 2020:

Ref. RFP No. WU/216/2020/AA
Please find attached the Bidder’s questions and Grupa LOTOS answers

Other terms and conditions of RFP No. WU/216/2020/AA remain unchanged.

Kind regards


Update of 19th of November, 2020:

Dear All,

Please note that the following dates in this RFP were changed:

- On-site inspection: Non-obligatory On-site inspection shall be executed up to 20th of November, 2020. In order to arrange on the on-site inspection date, you should contact:Mrs. Ewa Wasilewska, tel. +48 505 001 867; e-mail:

- Bidders’ questions in English language shall be submitted up to 20th of November, 2020, 2.00 PM,

- Proposal shall be submitted in English language up to 25th of November 2020, 6.00 PM.

Other terms and conditions remain unchanged.

Kind regards

Agnieszka Animucka

Chairman of the Bid Process


Dear All,

Please find attached the Request for Proposal for “Measurement of worker exposure to 1,2 dichloroethane during the general maintenance (turnover) and preparatory activities, Refinery Gdańsk, Poland ".
The detailed Request for Proposal No. WU/216/2020/AA is included in document “RFP 216” as attached with the attachments No. 1÷3.

- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: If you are interested in participation in this offering process, you are kindly requested to confirm it formally by 13rd of November, 2020
- On-site inspection: Non-obligatory On-site inspection shall be executed up to 17th of November, 2020. In order to arrange on the on-site inspection date, you should contact:
Mrs. Ewa Wasilewska, tel. +48 505 001 867; e-mail:
- Bidders’ questions in the English language shall be submitted up to 17th of November, 2020, 10.00 AM,
- Proposal shall be submitted in English language up to 23rd of November 2020, 11.00 AM.

Kind regards
Agnieszka Animucka
Chairman of the Bid Process

+48 71 787 37 34; +48 71 787 37 27; +48 71 787 37 577


Lp. Nazwa produktu Ilość Jednostka Załącznik/Link Uwagi
1. Measurement campaign - Measurement of worker exposure to 1,2 dichloroethane during the general maintenance (turnover) and preparatory activities 1 komplet Czytaj

Pytania do postępowania w ramach zapytania ofertowego "RFP WU/216/2020/AA Measurement campaign - Measurement of worker exposure to 1,2 dichloroethane during the general maintenance (turnover) and preparatory activities - SRM/216331"

Lp. Tytuł pytania Data wysłania pytania Status
Brak wyników do wyświetlenia


Waluta: EUR

Data i godzina rozpoczęcia przyjmowania ofert:

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Data i godzina zakończenia przyjmowania ofert:

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Data i godzina zakończenia zadawania pytań:

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