Data wygenerowania zapytania ofertowego:
Chemików 7
09-411 Płock
NIP: 7740001454
BDO: 000007103
Uwaga! Zapytanie zostało zaktualizowane w dniu 2020-12-23 r. o godzinie 15:21:40. Jeśli złożyli Państwo wcześniej ofertę, należy przesłać ją jeszcze raz.
Tytuł zapytania
Treść zmian (aktualizacja):
New term for offers
Treść zapytania:
1. The subject of the inquiry The subject of this inquiry is the purchase of spare parts from specification .
2. Dates for the implementation of the subject of the inquiry: The required completion date: up to 20.02.2021
3. Validity of the offer The required validity of the offer - min. 60 days from the date of submission of the offer
4. The required warranty period Min. 24 months.
5. The form and content of the offer: 5.1. Substantive questions Any factual questions regarding the technical specifications should be asked via Logintrade purchasing platform. Contact with the members of the Commission outside the marked path may work excluding the supplier from this contractor selection procedure. 5.2. Technical questions related to the operation of the Logintrade platform If you have any questions regarding the operation of the Logintrade platform, please contact its operator directly, no tel. +48 71 787 35 34; e-mail: 5.3. To put up a proposal The Bidder submits an offer only via the Logintrade Purchasing Platform. Please present the offers in two pdf attachments - commercial and technical (without prices) and indicate the delivery date in the offer. Along with the offer, it is absolutely required to confirm the requirements set out in the content of the inquiry and compliance with the standards of Grupa LOTOS S.A. Please clearly indicate any deviations from the requirements. The offer should be prepared in Polish or English.
The substantive (technical) part includes: a. Technical information required in the inquiry, excluding the price, b. Technical documentation, eg catalog cards or technical drawings The commercial part includes: a. The price for the subject of the inquiry. b. Delivery time c. Required delivery terms - DDP Grupa LOTOS S.A., in accordance with Incoterms 2010,
6. Grupa LOTOS S.A. reserves the right to cancel the contractor selection process, to close the process without selecting a contractor and to negotiate with the selected bidder or bidders until the contract is signed / order is issued. The selection of the bidder (s) for further negotiations does not constitute acceptance of the offer or the award of the tender within the meaning of the Civil Code. In this case, the Bidders are not entitled to any financial claims against the Ordering Party.
7. This procedure is carried out in accordance with the Procedure GLS. "Purchase of goods and services. In matters not covered by this procedure, in particular the provisions of the Civil Code will be applied.
8. Grupa LOTOS S.A. reserves the right to accept / reject the offer in whole or in part.
9. The General Terms and Conditions of Grupa LOTOS SA apply to orders, available at the link:
10. CSR clauses used in the purchasing process available at the link: After the contractor selection process is completed, information on the selected contractor will be sent to the bidders taking part in the procedure.
Nazwa produktu
SN (150-P 11 A): P 16433 for sensors : TE_709A/B, TE_710A/B, TE_711A/B, TE_712A/B
Support bearing temperature sensor 1300K51 for sensor : TE_716A/B, TE_717A/B, TE_718A/B, TE_719A/B, TE_720A/B, TE_721A/B Type: RTO 38920
SN (150-P 11 A): P 16433
1. Nasza firma wykorzystuje Platformę zakupową Logintrade jako narzędzie do kontaktów z dostawcami.
2. Oferty handlowe przyjmowane są tylko przez platformę zakupową.
3. Rejestracja w bazie dostawców naszej firmy, przeglądanie zapytań ofertowych oraz składanie ofert handlowych jest bezpłatne.
4. Jeśli nie posiadasz konta na platformie zakupowej Logintrade zarejestruj się w bazie dostawców w celu otrzymania loginu i hasła do swojego konta. Jedno konto dostawcy umożliwia otrzymywanie zapytań ofertowych od wielu kupców.
5. Aby przeglądać zapytania ofertowe od firmy, która je złożyła, musisz być zarejestrowany w jej bazie dostawców.
6. Regulamin Platformy zakupowej jest dostępny w panelu rejestracyjnym.