Enquiry creation date: 2020-09-16
Warunki wykonania i odbioru zgodnie z dokumentacją techniczną, atest materiałowy, poświadczenie wykonania usługi.
Prosimy o trwałe oznakowanie wszystkich części własnym znakiem firmowym.
Transport po stronie wykonawcy.
Termin dostawy - 44 tydz. 2020 r.
Osoba kontaktowa w sprawach technicznych: Pan Andrzej Grabowski tel: 883 301 231.
Z poważaniem
Andrzej Grabowski
Oddział Rurexpol
Alchemia S.A.
ul. Trochimowskiego 27
42-207 Częstochowa
Item | Product name | Quantity | Unit | Attachment/Link | Notes |
1. | Tulejka mała rys. H0577-M-0017D | 10 | pcs |
rys_ H0577-M-0017D.pdf
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Offer evaluation criteria
Item | Question title | Date of question | Status |
No data |
Attachments are avalible after log-in
Currency: PLN
Start of receiving offers:
- - :Deadline for submitting offers:
- - :Deadline for sending questions:
- - :1. Our company uses The Logintrade Purchasing Platform to contact suppliers.
2. Sales offers are accepted only via purchasing platform.
3. Registering in our company suppliers base, receiving enquiries and making sales offers are free of charge.
4. If you do not have an account in the Logintrade Purchasing Platform, register in suppliers data base to get your login and password. One supplier account allows for receiving enquiries from multiple buyers.
5. To browse enquiries from a given company, you must be registered in their suppliers database.
6. The Purchasing Platform Terms of Use are available in the registration panel.
Enquiry is out of date.
Time to make an offer is up...