Data wygenerowania zapytania ofertowego: 2020-09-01


Chemików 7

09-411 Płock

NIP: 7740001454

BDO: 000007103

ZAPYTANIE OFERTOWE NR Z335/141080/aktualizacja1

Uwaga! Zapytanie zostało zaktualizowane w dniu 2020-09-01 r. o godzinie 13:07:44. Jeśli złożyli Państwo wcześniej ofertę, należy przesłać ją jeszcze raz.

Tytuł zapytania

Treść zmian (aktualizacja):

Dear Sirs,

Please find below missing information.

Quality and operational data:
We process only straight run naphtha directly from both crude distillation units.
Feed properties:
IBP 32
5 46
10 50
30 63
50 78
70 98
90 127
95 139
FBP 151

300-700 ppm
< 1 ppm
We do not analyze Bromine number, but we think it is very low because we process only straight run naphtha.

Density at 15degC: 700-710 kg/m3

Feed rate: 150-170 t/h

Inlet pressure to reactor: 23-26 barg

H2 / oil ratio: 60-100 Nm3/m3

Kind regards,
Paulina Ohler-Tulińska

Treść zapytania:

Dear Sirs,

Grupa LOTOS S.A. invites you to take part in a tender procedure for the grading system to its NHT reactor. The reactor will be loaded with 1,5 mm catalyst (please find attached reactor scheme).
Unit process only straight run naphtha from atmospheric distillation units and has a naphtha filtration system with filter mesh 60 microns.
Graiding system should prevent the pressure drop across the reactor. Main source of DP increasing is iron sulphide which move after unit/recycle compressor trip.

Delivery terms: DDP Grupa LOTOS S.A. Gdańsk, Incoterms 2020
Date of Delivery: October 2020
Currency: EUR
Payment terms: 30 days from the invoice date

Please find attached the scheme and loading diagram.

Please provide below information of your Company:

1. The address of the company.
2. Contact details (tel./e-mail/fax)
3. Number from the Register of Entrepreneurs Relevant to the Country
4. Tax number
5. National Business Registry Number
6. EU VAT Number
7. The date since your company started operating on the market (according to the register of entrepreneurs)

Please also provide the following documents:

1. Copy from the register of entrepreneurs.
2. Confirmation of registration of the entity as an active VAT taxpayer.
3. Confirmation of holding an authorization / concession or declaration that your business does not require it.
4. The financial statements for the last financial year or a statement that the activity does not require it.
5. Certificate of non-taxation not older than 3 months (issued by the tax office).

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,
Paulina Ohler-Tulińska


Lp. Nazwa produktu Ilość Jednostka Załącznik/Link Uwagi
1. Grading system 6 m3 Czytaj

Pytania do postępowania w ramach zapytania ofertowego "GL/ SRM/208452/ 744/ PO - Grading system for the reactor 200-R1 "

Lp. Tytuł pytania Data wysłania pytania Status
Brak wyników do wyświetlenia


Załączniki dostępne po zalogowaniu

Waluta: EUR

Data i godzina rozpoczęcia przyjmowania ofert:

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Data i godzina zakończenia przyjmowania ofert:

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Data i godzina zakończenia zadawania pytań:

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